Results for 'Adam A. Augustine'

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  1.  67
    On the relative effectiveness of affect regulation strategies: A meta-analysis.Adam A. Augustine & Scott H. Hemenover - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (6):1181-1220.
  2.  56
    A process approach to emotion and personality: Using time as a facet of data.Randy J. Larsen, Adam A. Augustine & Zvjezdana Prizmic - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (7):1407-1426.
    Emotions change over time. A comprehensive understanding of emotions will require that their temporal nature be observed and analysed. By observing emotion over time, one can disentangle and simultaneously analyse temporal variability within individuals and between-individual variability using a two-step process approach. First, within-person temporal patterns (e.g., covariation, lead–lag relation, periodicity, etc.) are assessed for each subject. Second, between-person analyses are conducted on the within-person patterns. These two steps can be done simultaneously with hierarchical linear models (HLM) or in two (...)
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    Adam Ployd, Augustine, the Trinity, and the Church: A Reading of the Anti-Donatist Sermons.Joseph Grabau - 2016 - Augustinian Studies 47 (1):105-107.
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    György Heidl, The Influence of Origen on the Young Augustine: A Chapter of the History of Origenism.Adam Ployd - 2013 - Augustinian Studies 44 (2):297-300.
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    Sardismos: A rhetorical term for bilingual or plurilingual interaction?Adam Gitner - 2018 - Classical Quarterly 68 (2):689-704.
    In his poem ‘The Last Hours of Cassiodorus’, Peter Porter has the Christian sage ask: ‘After me, what further barbarisms?’. Yet, Cassiodorus himself accepted, even valorized, at least one form of barbarism that had been rejected by earlier rhetoricians: sardismos, the mixture of multiple languages in close proximity. In its earliest attestation, Quintilian classified it as a type of solecism. By contrast, five centuries later Cassiodorus in his Commentary on the Psalms used the term three times to praise the mixture (...)
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    Michael Lamb, A Commonwealth of Hope: Augustine’s Political Thought.Adam Ployd - 2023 - Augustinian Studies 54 (2):257-259.
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    Community, Apartheid, & the Metaphysics of Humanity in Genesis 1-11.Augustine Shutte - 1987 - Philosophy and Theology 2 (1):57-75.
    Following a general sketch of my paradigm of the opening chapter of Genesis as a presentation and analysis of the human predicament, I offer an analysis of the Adam and Eve story and the story of Babel as paradigms of the Genesis authors’ understanding of human transcendence. A brief summary of the primary elements within this notion of transcendence precedes my applicalion of it to a contemporary social issue.
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  8. On evil.Adam Morton - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    A compelling account of evil in which Adam Morton draws on fascinating examples as diverse as Augustine and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Exciting and thought-provoking, On Evil is essential reading for anyone interested in a topic that attracts and.
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    Non poena sed causa.Adam Ployd - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (1):25-44.
    This article examines Augustine’s anti-Donatist claim that it is not the punishment but the cause that makes a martyr. Augustine’s non poena sed causa argument arises as part of the larger rhetoric of martyrdom that recent scholarship has highlighted in late antiquity. I argue here that a more specific look at classical rhetorical techniques can provide a better understanding of what Augustine is up to in his particular rhetoric of martyrdom. To that end, after providing an overview (...)
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  10.  29
    Stephen R. Holmes, The Quest for the Trinity: The Doctrine of God in Scripture, History, and Modernity.Adam Ployd - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (1):136-139.
    This article examines Augustine’s anti-Donatist claim that it is not the punishment but the cause (non poena sed causa) that makes a martyr. Augustine’s non poena sed causa argument arises as part of the larger rhetoric of martyrdom that recent scholarship has highlighted in late antiquity. I argue here that a more specific look at classical rhetorical techniques can provide a better understanding of what Augustine is up to in his particular rhetoric of martyrdom. To that end, (...)
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  11.  23
    The Place of De magistro in Augustine’s Theology of Words and the Word.Adam Ployd - 2023 - Augustinian Studies 54 (1):43-56.
    This article investigates the place of De magistro within Augustine’s developing theology of words and the Word through a reverse chronological reading. This is necessary because, despite its emphasis on words, De magistro never refers to Christ as the “Word.” It would be easy, therefore, to see it as unrelated to the theological emphasis on that title in later works such as De trinitate. A reverse chronological reading, however, establishes Augustine’s developing understanding of the relationship between words and (...)
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  12.  29
    Living Within Our Limits: A Defense of the Fall.Adam Green & Joshua Morris - 2020 - Journal of Analytic Theology 8 (1):371-389.
    In this paper, we use the biology of pain and Augustinian insights into the relationship between physical and spiritual death to give a defense of the Fall. If we think of pain as, biologically, a limiting system but one that interacts with advanced rationality in such a way as to create a new experience of one’s biological limits, then one can use Augustine’s treatment of our experience of physical death as both a consequence and a symbolic check on our (...)
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  13. Lies, damned lies, and statistics: An empirical investigation of the concept of lying.Adam J. Arico & Don Fallis - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (6):790 - 816.
    There are many philosophical questions surrounding the notion of lying. Is it ever morally acceptable to lie? Can we acquire knowledge from people who might be lying to us? More fundamental, however, is the question of what, exactly, constitutes the concept of lying. According to one traditional definition, lying requires intending to deceive (Augustine. (1952). Lying (M. Muldowney, Trans.). In R. Deferrari (Ed.), Treatises on various subjects (pp. 53?120). New York, NY: Catholic University of America). More recently, Thomas Carson (...)
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  14.  29
    On Materialist Theology: Thinking God Beyond the Master Signifier.Adam Kotsko - 2012 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 261 (3):347-357.
    This essay represents an extension and deepening of the author’s book Žižek and Theology. First, it more thoroughly explores the relationship between Žižek’s perspective on theology and his development of the ontology and ethics of “dialectical materialism” in The Parallax View. It contrasts the typical approach to God as a kind of “master signifier” with Žižek’s call for a “non-all” God who names the very contingency and inconsistency of the world as such. The author then reads key texts by (...) and Pseudo-Dionysius through the lens of Žižek’s theology, showing that these authors provide resources for thinking of God as non-all, particularly in their account of evil as deprivation. It concludes with a call for a materialist theology that would further develop these insights, treating the Christian tradition as material for thought rather than a set of predetermined answers. (shrink)
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  15. Evil as Nothing.Marilyn McCord Adams - 2012 - Modern Schoolman 89 (3-4):131-145.
    Anselm inherited a Platonizing approach to philosophy from Augustine and Boethius. But he characteristically reworked what he found in their texts by questioning and disputing it into something more rigorous. In this paper, I compare and contrast Anselm’s treatment of the trope ‘evil is nothing, not a being’ withBoethius’s use of it in The Consolation of Philosophy. In the first section, I expose a fallacious argument form common to them both: paradigm Fness is identical with paradigm Gness; X participates (...)
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  16.  36
    That Same Old Line: The Doctrine of Legitimate Authority.Richard Adams - 2015 - Philosophical Forum 46 (1):71-89.
    The jus ad bellum doctrine of legitimate authority, conceived by St. Augustine and evolved by St. Thomas Aquinas, that a sovereign might identify a just cause and declare war without reference to the nation’s soldiers or citizens, continues to inform thinking about just war. Contesting this claim, the present paper reasons that without the moral confidence of the soldiers who serve, no conflict can be justified. The paper claims that soldiers have relevant and important ideas about the justice of (...)
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  17.  14
    Augustine, the Trinity, and the Church: A Reading of the Anti-Donatist Sermons (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology Series). By Adam Ployd. Pp. xv, 225, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, $74.00. [REVIEW]Alexander H. Pierce - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (4):746-747.
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    Verzeichnis ungedruckter Kommentare zur Metaphysik und Physik des Aristoteles aus der Zeit von etwa 1250-1350. [REVIEW]A. W. W. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (3):576-577.
    The author is a student of the renowned German medievalist, Josef Koch. Having himself worked for more than ten years on medieval commentaries on Aristotle's Physics and Metaphysics, Zimmermann wishes to make the result of his researches available to others. To reduce his mass of material to tractable dimensions, he follows the pattern of F. Stegmüller's Repertorium of commentaries on Lombard's Sentences, giving first a description of the manuscripts examined, then a transliteration of the titles of all questions treated in (...)
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  19.  61
    Augustine, the Trinity, and the Church: A Reading of the Anti‐Donatist Sermons . By Adam Ployd. Pp. xv, 225, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, $74.00. [REVIEW]Alexander H. Pierce - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (4):733-734.
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  20. René Girard and the Western Philosophical Tradition.Andreas Wilmes & George A. Dunn (eds.) - 2024 - East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
    René Girard's stance towards the Western philosophical tradition was somewhat ambivalent. On the one hand, he acknowledged that major philosophers had influenced him and had contributed valuable insights on questions of desire, religion, violence, and the sacred. On the other hand, he felt that Western philosophy often, if not always, neglected the founding violence that lies at the origin of culture. The relevance of this contention is the pivotal question of the two volumes of René Girard and the Western Philosophical (...)
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    The Augustine-Braude Bigelow Survival Debate: A Postmortem and Prospects for Future Directions.Michael Sudduth - 2024 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 38 (3):468-531.
    In 2021, the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (hereafter, BICS) sponsored an essay competition (hereafter, the Contest) designed to solicit the best evidence for the hypothesis that human consciousness survives bodily death, and more specifically, evidence that would prove this hypothesis beyond a reasonable doubt. The summer 2022 issue of the Journal of Scientific Exploration featured a special subsection on the BICS contest and its winning essays. Robert Bigelow and Colm Kelleher outlined the motivation, design, and judging criteria for the (...)
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    V. V. Vojtišék. Ob odnom podhodé к klassifikacii bulévyh funkcij . Diskrétnyj analiz , no. 8 , pp. 35–41.A. Ádám - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (4):593.
  23. The evangelical potential of the byzantine liturgy in a culture of efficiency and death.Adam A. J. Deville - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 43:315-338.
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  24. Etyka prostomyślności. Sumienie a rzeczywistość ponowoczesna.Adam A. Dura - 2001 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 2:67-87.
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  25. W sprawie recentywizmu. Józef Bańka, Wstęp do filozofii. Filozofia w świetle własnej historii i u progu nowej epoki systemów.Adam A. Dura - 2003 - Principia 34.
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    "The 'Populus' of Augustine and Jerome. A Study in the Patristic Sense of Community," by Jeremy DuQuesnay Adams. [REVIEW]Vernon J. Bourke - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 50 (1):87-88.
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    Christ Is the Question – By Wayne A. Meeks.A. K. M. Adam - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (1):152-154.
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    Alasdair MacIntyre and Edith Stein.Adam A. J. DeVille - 2008 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 11 (2):77-90.
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    Student assessment in the ubiquitously connected world.A. Adams - 2011 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 41 (1):6-18.
    Student cheating on university assessments from entrance exams to finals and from contract cheating on coursework to requesting exam answers using a mobile phone during the exam, has received more and more attention of late. As connection to the Internet becomes ubiquitous and computing and communications technology more embedded in our environment, it is argued that a re-focussing on providing educational opportunities is needed in higher education, rather than chasing the ever-retreating prospect of perfect, or even adequate, assessment for the (...)
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  30.  45
    On the methods of history.A. M. Adam - 1999 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 29 (2):315-324.
  31.  40
    New Testament Theology: Communion and Community – Philip F. Esler.A. K. M. Adam - 2007 - Modern Theology 23 (1):150-152.
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  32.  15
    The Anti-Emile: Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Education Against the Principles of Rousseau.William A. Frank (ed.) - 2011 - St. Augustine's Press.
    The idea of translating Gerdil into English is brilliant, the translation is very good and the introduction of William Frank precise and inspiring.... Rousseau proposes a complete break with tradition. A new man will arise who is severed from the whole heritage of the past. With him the history of mankind begins anew. In one sense we have here a transposition in the field of philosophy of education of the Cartesian cogito. The subject begins with himself. To this philosophical project (...)
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    Augustine on Evil and Original Sin.William E. Mann - 2016 - In God, Belief, and Perplexity. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter addresses Augustine’s solution to the perplexity that plagued him in his earlier years—how can evil exist in a world created by an omniscient, omnipotent, perfectly good God? In Confessions 7 he gives his reasons for rejecting Manichaean dualism. Book 13 emphasizes the doctrine of creation ex nihilo, with its entailment that everything that exists is good. But not all creatures are equally good. Augustine regards sin as the willful abandonment of greater goods for lesser ones, when (...)
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  34. Adam Smith and the history of the invisible hand.Peter Harrison - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (1):29-49.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Adam Smith and the History of the Invisible HandPeter HarrisonFew phrases in the history of ideas have attracted as much attention as Smith’s “invisible hand,” and there is a large body of secondary literature devoted to it. In spite of this there is no consensus on what Smith might have intended when he used this expression, or on what role it played in Smith’s thought. Estimates of its (...)
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    Feminist philosophy and information systems.A. E. Adam & H. J. Richardson - unknown
    This paper offers a new approach to the philosophical foundations of information systems through feminist philosophy and, in particular, feminist epistemology. This can be used to expose the universalizing tendency of many information systems and to show the importance of using real-life complex examples rather than the simplified examples often favored by philosophers. Within traditional epistemology and its relation to IS, subjectivity, the propositional/skills distinction and epistemic hierarchies are subject to arguments from feminist epistemology. With respect to the emerging critical (...)
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    The Fruit of Knowledge: To Bite or not to Bite? Isotta Nogarola on Eve’s Sin and Its Scholastic Sources.Marcela Borelli, Valeria A. Buffon & Natalia G. Jakubecki - 2021 - In Isabelle Chouinard, Zoe McConaughey, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Roxane Noël, Women’s Perspectives on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 321-341.
    As we know, the sacred books of the three religions are not characterized by a gender-friendly approach. In the very beginning of the Old Testament we find the tale of the Fall of Man, where the serpent tempts Eve, who in turn tempts Adam to commit the original sin: to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Eve’s guilt is taken for granted, and rarely discussed. The question of Eve’s guilt was first taken up in Augustine’s De (...)
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    The Conversion of the Imagination: Paul as Interpreter of Israel's Scripture – By Richard B. Hays.A. K. M. Adam - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (1):150-152.
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  38. (1 other version)William H. Dray, Philosophy of History. Foundations of Philosophy Series Reviewed by.A. M. Adam - 1995 - Philosophy in Review 15 (1):25-28.
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    Walk This Way: Repetition, Difference, ana the Imitation of Christ.A. K. M. Adam - 2001 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 55 (1):19-30.
    An ethics of imitation risks trivializing, aggrandizing, and homogenizing the company of disciples. Should followers of Jesus even try to walk this way?
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    Book Reviews : Leon Pompa, Human Nature and Historical Knowledge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990. pp. 234. $44.50. [REVIEW]A. M. Adam - 1994 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 24 (2):250-252.
  41.  29
    The Crisis in Teacher Education: A European Concern?A. Adams & W. Tulasiewicz - 1996 - British Journal of Educational Studies 44 (2):218-218.
  42.  44
    Review essays : Vico in context Leon Pompa, Vico: A study of the "new science." 2d ed. cambridge university press, new York, 1990. Pp. XV, 251, $44.50 (cloth. [REVIEW]A. M. Adam - 1993 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 23 (2):243-247.
  43.  82
    Book Reviews : R. G. Collingwood, The Idea of History. Rev. ed., edited and with a new introduction by J. van der Dussen, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993. Pp. xlvii, 510. $108.00 (cloth. [REVIEW]A. M. Adam - 1995 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 25 (2):256-258.
  44. Ú. I. Žuravlév. Téorétiko-množéstvénnyé métody v algébré logiki . Problémy kibérnétiki, vol. 8 , pp. 5–44.A. Adam - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):162.
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    A critical conceptualization of conspiracy theory.Adam John Koper - 2024 - Constellations 31 (2):218-232.
  46. 4. Alasdair MacIntyre and Edith Stein: Apophatic Theologians?Adam A. J. Deville - 2008 - Logos- St. Thomas 11 (2).
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  47. Interference in short-term retention of discrete movements.A. S. Faust-Adams - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (2):400.
  48.  12
    Le Droit, Les Sciences Humaines Et La Philosophie.L. Husson, J. Carbonnier, A. Adam, J. Ellul, C. Morazé & B. Goldman - 1973 - Vrin.
    L. Husson. XXIX' SEMAINE DE SYNTHÈSE DROIT PÉNAL ET CRIMINOLOGIE Exposé de M. Albert CHAVANNE Professeur à la Faculté de Droit et des Sciences économiques de Lyon Pour traiter des rapports entre droit pénal et criminologie ...
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    Adam et Ève faisaient-ils l’amour au paradis? Notule sur Les aveux de la chair de Michel Foucault.Ákos Cseke - 2021 - Astérion 25 (25).
    In the last part of Confessions of the Flesh, Michel Foucault offers a careful analysis of the libido theory as “the stigma of the involuntary in after-fault sex” according to Saint Augustine. This subject is closely linked to the patristic and Augustinian exegesis of the book of Genesis 1:28 (“Increase and multiply”), more specifically on the question of the possible or hypothetical existence of sexual intercourse in paradise. This article intends to study the texts of Saint Augustine and (...)
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    Colonial bodies: Slavery, wage-slavery, and the representation of race.Adam A. Ferguson - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (207):539-550.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 207 Seiten: 539-550.
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